June 24, 2024

Written by Morgan Reilly

Amazon’s Image Generator: Pros and Cons

Tools that use AI to create images for ads are rapidly taking hold because they automate the creation of visual content, which reduces the need for extensive manual labor and speeds up production timelines. As a result, Big Tech firms such as Google and Meta have rolled out AI-based image generators for businesses that advertise on their platforms. The latest company to launch an AI-powered image generator is Amazon, whose online advertising business has made the company the biggest retail media network in the United States.

The Amazon Image Generator product, announced in 2023, became generally available on June 17. Image Generator uses generative AI to take insights from product descriptions and customer reviews and then create ad-ready images that showcase an advertiser’s product on display. According to Amazon, advertisers that use Image Generator have increased their campaign submissions by more than 20%. It’s important to understand what this tool can do for you as well as potential drawbacks.

How Amazon’s Image Generator Works

Amazon’s Image Generator uses generative AI to analyze product descriptions and customer reviews, crafting ad-ready images that showcase products. This allows advertisers to quickly test multiple creative options and see what resonates best with customers. According to Amazon, this functionality has led to increased campaign submissions and notable boosts in gross merchandise sales.

Recently, Amazon enhanced this tool by adding a new aspect ratio capability. This allows advertisers to generate images in various dimensions and resolutions. This feature addresses the challenge of creating both standard and native ads, ensuring that brand imagery remains clear across different platforms and ad formats. By enabling easy customization of ad creatives for diverse contexts, the Image Generator helps brands maintain high visual quality and relevance.

Pros of Image Generator

The Amazon Ads Image Generator is particularly valuable due to its ease of use, aspect ratio flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and integration with Amazon Ads. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the process of creating high-quality images, making it accessible even to those with limited design skills. Automation streamlines image creation, which allows advertisers to focus on other campaign aspects.

The newly added aspect ratio capability cited above is the biggest selling point of Image Generator. The ability to easily scale creatives to serve multiple ad formats and screens has become one of the biggest challenges advertisers face. Different ad placements and products require varying image dimensions, posing an additional challenge for advertisers who lack the necessary image assets. Automation can significantly increase the use of Amazon Ads (especially for small businesses that may not have the time or expertise to advertise effectively).

Additionally, Amazon says that Image Generator is cost-effective, reducing the need for graphic design services or stock images. This makes it an attractive option for advertisers looking to scale their campaigns with multiple image variations without significant cost increases.

Cons of Image Generator

Despite its advantages, the Amazon Ads Image Generator has limitations related to creativity, quality, platform dependence, learning curve, and algorithmic constraints.

For example, using a tool built for a Amazon’s own platform creates “platform lock-in:“ advertisers heavily relying on Image Generator may find it challenging to transition to other platforms or tools, creating dependency on Amazon’s ecosystem. Relying on Amazon for image generation also means less control over the creative assets and data generated during the process.

The tool might not offer the same level of creative freedom and uniqueness that a professional designer can provide, often relying on templates that may result in generic-looking ads. There are also concerns about the consistency of image quality, particularly for complex or highly customized visuals. Initial setup and training might be required to master the tool’s functionalities, which can incur additional time and resource investments

Furthermore, while AI-generated images can be efficient, they might lack the innovative flair of human creativity, and inherent algorithmic biases could affect the diversity and inclusivity of the generated images.

The Bottom Line

Amazon’s Image Generator feature presents a valuable tool for advertisers looking to streamline and economize their ad creation process. While it offers significant benefits in terms of cost savings, efficiency, and ease of use, it also comes with limitations related to creativity, quality control, and platform dependence. Advertisers should weigh these pros and cons based on your specific needs and campaign objectives to determine if the tool is the right fit for your strategies.

True Interactive can help you. We have extensive experience with retail media networks such as Amazon Ads. Learn more about our expertise on our website.