June 01, 2016

Written by Mark Smith

Using Analytics to Improve Digital Marketing Performance

TargetMarketingMany digital advertisers use Google AdWords to manage their online campaigns. While that is an excellent starting point – and one that we believe helps clients optimize campaigns – it has limited use beyond telling you how someone arrived at your website.

What happens after they arrive? What pages do they visit? How long do they linger and read or watch your content? Where do they get lost or abandon your site?

Those are the types of valuable insights you can gain from an analytics application like Google Analytics. I cover this in “How to Use Analytics to Improve the Performance of Your Digital Marketing Campaigns,” which originally appeared on Target Marketing (May 21, 2015).

If you can learn what works to find and convert prospects, you can optimize your campaigns to find more of them and stop spending money on people who aren’t your target audience.